Today I Was Reminded.

I was looking forward to going to church today.

I was hoping for a moment of reflection and stillness when my children went downstairs for the children’s mass. But my four year old fought leaving my side. Fighting turned to screaming and dragging and that turned into tears and a complete temper tantrum. And so I gave in, and watched her play on the stage while my eldest daughter hopefully listened to something.

I had hoped to be reminded of something today in church. To receive a bit of a recharge, or a moment that may help me to get through the struggles of the week, or at least the rest of today. But I missed the entire mass.

Instead, I watched my beautiful girl struggle. It’s her birthday tomorrow, and just as they both get to their worst states just before Christmas, Maggie behaved inexcusably this morning. And I was reminded of something.

I was reminded that she’s only four on the verge of turning five. That I am her mom and my patience is a must to teach her right from wrong. I was reminded that I am her primary example of love and kindness and that through my actions I can help her to learn how best to live within them.

Today’s mass was one of the best I have ever attended.

May you be reminded sometime today too. xoxoxoIMG_9542

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2 Responses to Today I Was Reminded.

  1. mumslimo says:

    So sorry to hear about the hissy fit. I feel your pain but you did good. Maybe something happened in the last children’s program Maggie attended. Who knows, kids A! Who’d have them. We’d like to give them away sometimes. Love you and the kids.Have a card and pressy for Maggie. Sheila

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  2. Wonderful message, wonderful writing. Thank you!

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